Our Story

Chef Haylee’s baking adventure began in New York, nurturing her dream of owning a bakery in Florida. In April 2017, this dream materialized as Southern Bay Bakery opened its doors after her graduation. Swiftly expanding, she acquired a St. Pete location, unveiling it to the public in June 2017.

In October 2017, faced with a name change for the bakeries, Haylee, with the help of a networking partner, rebranded to Southern Bay Bakery. Despite the shift, the bakery’s essence remained unchanged, delighting patrons with familiar tastes. After years of serving delectable treats in Tampa, the location closed in June 2019. Undeterred, Chef Haylee ventured into Dunedin on August 11th, 2020, showcasing her unwavering commitment to culinary excellence even amidst challenging times.

Meet Our Founder & Head Chef

After graduating, Haylee returned to the Bay area, and went back to work for Chef Ostrander at the St. Pete Bakery, where she has been honing her skills, and preparing to open her own business. Haylee is very excited to be opening Southern Bay Bakery, and she looks forward to helping you have a “sweet” day.

Make your event special with Southern Bay Bakery

Our passion for crafting exquisite custom wedding cakes, cupcakes, and cookies, and more is matched only by our dedication to providing excellent service.